Can Process System

CO2 Capturing

The process involves capturing CO2 emissions from various sources such as power plants, cement factories, and industrial facilities before they are released into the atmosphere, and then storing or utilizing the captured CO2 to prevent its release.

CO2 Purification

Our system employs advanced purification technologies to efficiently remove impurities such as sulfur compounds, moisture, and trace contaminants from CO2 streams, resulting in pure and high-purity CO2 suitable for various applications

CO2 Storing

Captured CO2 is safely stored underground in geological formations such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline aquifers, or deep coal seams through a process called carbon capture and storage (CCS).

CO2 Sending In to catalytic reactor

By repurposing CO2 emissions into valuable products, our technology contributes to environmental stewardship and sustainability, preserving natural resources, and protecting the planet for future generations.

H2O Interface in to reactor

H2O Interface Into Reactor solution, an innovative technology designed to enhance chemical reactions and optimize process efficiency by introducing water (H2O) as an interface into the reactor system.

Raw Ethanol Collection

Experience seamless and reliable raw ethanol collection with our dedicated services. Whether you’re a large-scale ethanol producer or a boutique distillery, we have the resources and capabilities to meet your raw ethanol collection needs efficiently and effectively.

Ethanol Seprator

Our separator is designed to minimize product loss and maximize ethanol recovery throughout the separation process. It features efficient condensation and vapor recovery systems to capture and recycle ethanol vapors, reducing waste and increasing overall process yield.

Ethanol Enhancer

Our Ethanol Enhancer is suitable for a wide range of applications, including automotive fuels, marine fuels, aviation fuels, industrial solvents, and consumer products. It can be easily incorporated into existing fuel formulations or production processes to enhance ethanol performance and value across various industries.


Ethanol Storage

We offer customizable storage tank designs and configurations to accommodate varying storage capacities, space constraints, and operational requirements. Our tanks can be tailored to specific site conditions and applications, including aboveground or underground installation, vertical or horizontal orientation, and insulation or heating options.